The truth is that this was the first thing that came to mind for me and surely also for the rest of the people who were part of the medical mission. At first I didn't really understand the functions of the medical team, nor those ladies in white coats who reminded me so much of my grandmother. But as the hours and then the days passed, I began to understand how, through ordered chaos, each one of them was doing their part to fulfill a single mission: changing the life of a child. Which, consequently, became life-changing for his family and his community.
Entering a surgery room is a somewhat frightening experience, the place is very cold, it is extremely clean so that you do not have any infection and everything is painted white which makes the experience a bit impersonal. But that was not really what surprised me, the chilling cold generated by the air conditioning and the white that floods all the walls are nuanced by the warmth of a work team that moves millimeters at the service of the other. Everyone knows what their role is, from the surgeon, instrument technicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, etc. and as the saying goes: let's get to work. This tireless work is rewarded by a single moment inside the recovery room, which keeps them coming back year after year from so far away. That first hug from the mothers of the children participating in the mission, usually accompanied by a few tears of happiness falling down their cheeks, is what moves hearts and collapses all types of egos to make this mission successful.
There is another work that is a little quieter, not as fearful and certainly not as applauded as that of the medical staff, but which is equally important for the final objective to be met. That's where the UNIMA-MÁS come in, a group of women with the occasional wrinkle, a couple of gray hairs, great wisdom and a willingness to help. They do all kinds of activities and tricks so that the mission can happen. From looking for families in need around the area, giving them clothing, food, and they are so daring that they decided to build a place for families to sleep. They are warm, very close and sometimes they have to be tough to get things done right. After all, who is capable of saying no to mom?
Finally, this work is my way of thanking the UNIMA & Healing The Childrens foundation for making me part of this adventure. But beyond that, it represents how precious life is within its fragility. Also, it is that hug from mom where we feel protection and trust that some people have never felt in their lives, and perhaps for a moment they have been able to feel it through this mission.